Wednesday 12 October 2016

She is an open book,
She carries all her emotions on her sleeves..
But you'll still find it difficult to understand her..
You'll find it difficult to keep pace with what she is feeling..
It will irritate you, frustrate you..
She will tell you everything she feels,
But in the end, she would tell you she was just kidding,
Maybe because she doesn't trust you,
Or maybe she doesn't trust herself..
No one knows..
But know one thing, it's not that hard to understand a woman..
But you should have the heart to understand her..
Then you will see that there is nothing more beautiful than her..

Friday 7 October 2016

You keep trying to fit them into boxes
But the clouds are always meant for the sky
The oceans bore wings to make them,
Don't you know, the rivers travelled months to fill their void?
Set her free and watch her fly;
She is a woman.
Stand at a distance
And just watch her.

                                     - Unknown

Thursday 6 October 2016

Look into my eyes...
You'll see my broken heart, my shattered soul.
Do you see that hollow space?
There was once love in my eyes..
Do you see the darkness there?
Oh! How beautiful the world was before, how colorful..

Lashes fall, like the curtains hiding the story of my tears..

Do you see me smile?
It's as real as it can get, with all the fallen dreams and shadowed pasts...

Try, maybe you can bring some spark in my eyes.
But try you may, you can't steal my broken pieces..
They are all I have left..
Leave them be, don't love them, but let me have them..